Dear KWiSE member,

KWiSE is updating our data base. Please kindly fill out the attached CV form and send it back to us at as soon as possible by November 8. Mandatory fields are highlighted with yellow.
Some cells have a drop down menu to choose from. For example, when you select the “Type of job” cell, you will see an arrow on the right. By clicking that arrow, you will see a dropdown menu of “University”, “Laboratory”, “Company” and “Others”. Please choose “Company” if you work in hospitals (including university hospitals) or in any Corporate labs. Choose “University” if you work in University Labs. If you do not want us to share your information with KOFST (Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies), please click “no” at the bottom right of the CV form. If you say “yes” your provided information can be used for the following purpose:
① 정부정책결정, 주요 국책사업선정과 관련한 위원회 후보로 추천
② 정부 주요연구과제 평가 및 피어리뷰어 후보군으로 등록
③ 과총, 연구재단 및 출연연 등의 사업 진행 및 사후평가 시 자문 또는 관련 위원회 위원으로 활용
④ 글로벌과학기술교류협력사업(Brain Pool사업, 울트라 프로그램, 해외석학 세미나)의 초빙과학자 및 초청연사 우선적 활용

The request from KOFST states “…재외 한인 과학기술자들의 국가 국책사업 및 국가 연구 개발 사업 참여가 확대되는 밑거름이 될 수 있도록 많은 관심과 협조 부탁드립니다.”

Regardless, accurate data base is important for us to understand our member demographics, which will help us serve you better.

As you may already know, our web had a nice make over. Please visit to find the latest Newsletter and Announcements etc. Please keep your profile up to date and send us News items or Articles at for the next issue of the Newsletter as well.

KWiSE Officers